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1947.10.24 日本东京: 东京审判: 前日本帝国陆军中将田中信男在远东国际军事法庭25名日本A级战犯审判中作证。他曾是战犯嫌疑人,1946年1月22日入狱,因证据不足同年12月被释放。 拍摄—斯金纳 照片由美国陆军通讯部队提供 通讯部队官方照片 复制时请注明来源—美国陆军通讯部

24 OCT. 47 IMTFE WAR CRIMES TRIALS IN TOKYO: Nobuo Tanaka, ex-Lt. Genera. Of the Imperial Japanese Army, formerly suspected as a war criminal, is now appearing as a witness during War Crimes Trials at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Tokyo, Japan. Tanaka was put in prison as a war suspect on January 22, 1946, but was released on December of the same year because of insufficient evidence. Photographer—Skinner Photograph by U.S. Army Signal Corps OFFICIAL SIGNAL CORPS PHOTO Reproduction prohibited unless credit line is given to Signal Corps, U.S. Army.