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1947.9.4 日本东京 东京审判: 辩方证人、前少将樱井德太郎在远东国际军事法庭25名日本A级战犯审判中作证。他1943年9月至1945年2月任第五步兵师师长,负责保卫印度缅甸边界实兑地区,并任缅甸国防首席顾问。1945年缅甸国防军起义叛乱时,他被分配到步兵学校工作,之后他担任师长一直到叛乱结束。 拍摄—斯金纳 照片由美国陆军通讯部队提供 通讯部队官方照片 复制时请注明来源—美国陆军通讯部

4 SEPT. 47 IMTFE WAR CRIMES TRIALS IN TOKYO: Tokutaro Sakurai, ex-Major General,, testifies for the defense during the War Crimes Trials of the 25 alleged major Japanese war criminals at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo, Japan. Tokutaro was in charge of defense of the Akyab area on the India and Burma border as commander of the infantry of the 5th Division from Sept. 1943 to Feb. 1945, and served as chief advisor of the Burmese National Defense Army. When the Burma National Defense army rose in revolt, he was attached to the infantry school in April of 1945, after which he became divisional commander, where he remained until the end of the hostilities.