1946.1.8 日本东京陆军省大楼 检方证人若松只一将军出庭作证: 若松只一将军在远东国际军事法庭26名日本A级战犯审判中作证指控日本战犯。他曾任南方军队司令部总参谋长,总部设立于西贡。 拍摄—惠特曼 照片由美国陆军通讯部队提供
8 JAN. 47 GENERAL TADAKAZU WAKAMATSU TESTIFIES FOR PROSECUTION: General Tadakazu Wakamatsu, former Chief of Staff(the Army Command for Southern Areas Headquarters at Saigon)giving testimony in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East courtroom during the War Crimes Trials for the prosecution against the 26 alleged Japanese war criminals in WAR MINISTRY BUILDING, TOKYO, JAPAN,. Photographer—Whitman Photograph by Signal Corps U.S. Army