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1947.5.6 询问前日本将军: 前日本中将石原莞尔准备登上轮椅车先到公路,之后再坐车到达坂田接受远东国际军事法庭特别代表团询问。石原莞尔中将由于膀胱癌身体过于虚弱,无法长途颠簸到东京法庭。 拍摄—凯 照片由美国陆军通讯部队提供

6 MAY 47 FORMER JAPANESE GENERAL QUESTIONED: Former Japanese Lt. Gen. Kanji Ishihara prepares to mount the wheel chair which will carry him to a road where he will drive to Sakata for questioning by a special IMTFE delegation due to cancer of the bladder. Mr. Ishihara was too weak for the long trip to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo, Japan. Photographer—Kaye Photograph by Signal Corps U.S. Army