1947.5.6 石原莞尔中将接受远东国际军事法庭代表团询问: 前日本中将石原莞尔准备登上轮椅车,之后再坐车到达坂田接受远东国际军事法庭特别代表团盘问。石原中将由于身体虚弱,无法去东京的法庭作证。 拍摄—凯 照片由美国陆军通讯部队提供
6 MAY 47 KANJI ISHIHARA QUESTIONED BY IMTFE DELEGATION: The wheel chair of former Japanese Lt. Gen. Kanji Ishihara is prepared in Fukura, Japan, before starting the first lap of his trip to Sakata for cross-examination by special delegates from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Mr. Ishihara’s poor condition made it impossible for him to make the long trip to Tokyo: Photographer—Kaye Photograph by Signal Corps U.S. Army