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1947.12.5 日本东京陆军省大楼 辩方律师: 岛田繁太郎的辩护律师约翰·布兰农(Kansas City, Mo.)宣读宣誓证词,证词里岛田声称他对珍珠港计划和部下海军的残暴行为均不知情。岛田和其他25名日本A级战犯一同在远东国际军事法庭受审。

5 DEC. 47 DEFENSE COUNCIL: Mr. John G. Brannon, defense council for the accused Shigeraro Shimada, from Kansas City, Mo., reads an affidavit in which Shimada claims to of had no knowledge of Pearl Harbor plans and atrocities by naval personnel under his command. Shimada is one of the 25 alleged major Japanese war criminals on trial at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, War Ministry Building, Tokyo, Japan. Photographer—Calmus Photograph by U.S. Army Signal Corps OFFICIAL SIGNAL CORPS PHOTO Reproduction prohibited unless credit line is given to Signal Corps, U.S. Army.