1947.11.13 远东国际军事法庭法官团: 庭长、澳大利亚法官威廉·韦伯爵士因故不能出庭,美国法官密朗·克莱默尔将军代理庭长一职并且就坐于庭长席位。 从左到右:加拿大法官麦克唐纳;英国法官帕特里克勋爵;美国法官密朗·克莱墨尔;中国法官梅汝璈;苏联法官柴扬诺夫.
13 NOV. 47 Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer, justice from the United States, is shown sitting in the president’s seat in the absence of the Hon. Sir William Webb, President and member from Australia. L to R: the Hon. Mr. Justice McDougall, member from Canada; Lord Patrick, member from the United Kingdom of the Great Britain; Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer, acting president and member from the U.S.; the Hon. Mr. Justice Ju-Ao Mei, member from China; Maj. Gen. I. M. Zaryanov, member from Russia. Photographer—McDonald Photograph by U.S. Army Signal Corps OFFICIAL SIGNAL CORPS PHOTO Reproduction prohibited unless credit line is given to Signal Corps, U.S. Army.