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1947.3.5 远东国际军事法庭证人: 远东国际军事法庭宪兵司令肯沃斯中校(奥马哈,内布拉斯加州),与前日本驻菲律宾大使、现渚蒲监狱囚犯村田省藏交谈。村田省藏将出庭作证讲述1943年大东亚会议的准备过程和不同代表出席的情况。 拍摄—孔迪 照片由美国陆军通讯部队提供

5 MARCH 47 TESTIFIES AT IMTFE IN TOKYO: Lt. Col. A. S. Kenworthy, Provost Marshal of the IMTFE, Omaha, Neb., chats with Shoza Murata, the former Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines, who is a prisoner at Sugamo Prison, before Murata testifies at the tribunal regarding the circumstances preparatory to the “Great East Asia Conference in 1943” and the conditions under which the various representatives attended it. Photographer—Kondis Photograph by Signal Corps U.S. Army