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1947.5.5 日本东京陆军省大楼 出庭作证: 远东国际军事法庭25名日本被告战犯审判期间,前日本石油总部总务部部长中山宁人先生坐于陆军省大楼等候室中等待出庭作证。中山宁人1925年从军事参谋学院毕业,之后又留学美国和中国,后来担任大中华地区陆军参谋。 拍摄—布鲁克斯 照片由美国陆军通讯部队提供

5 MAY 47 TESTIFIES AT IMTFE: Yasuto Nakayama, former Japanese Chief of the General Affairs Section of the fuel headquarters, sits in the waiting room at the War Ministry Building, prior to testifying at the War Crimes Trials of the 25 alleged Japanese war criminals before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Nakayama graduated from the Military Staff College, November, 1925; studies in U.S.A. and China, and later became staff member of the General China Area Army. Photographer—Brooks Photograph by Signal Corps U.S. Army